Child Custody Attorney in Fort Pierce.

Fort Pierce children who defend themselves against imposing a maintenance obligation on their parents should indicate that parents have appropriate assets for their own maintenance, eg they have a large flat, which can be turned into smaller ones or they can take up employment – even by doing small, odd jobs. An important circumstance is also the fact how a given person found himself in need. Hire a Fort Pierce family law firm of The Law Office of Denise Miller, P.A .


When it was due to her fault, for example, incurring excessive credit commitments, which she is unable to pay, or abuse of alcohol and other drugs, may be the basis for dismissing the alimony claim. Very often, the demand for the award of maintenance from children occurs in families in which there are strong conflicts between its members or even contact between its members was broken long ago. Contact a Fort Pierce child custody attorney.


These considerations should be taken into account and raised in court, because any negative behavior of a person entitled to maintenance in relation to an obligated person may constitute grounds for dismissal of such a claim, eg abandonment of minor children by the father, and then after years of alimony from offspring. The Law Office of Denise Miller, P.A are a reputable family law firm in Fort Pierce.